

Effects of Intellectual Capital

Effects of Intellectual Capital to Competitive Advantage of Boutique Hotel

The 6th Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhum Conference (April 27-28, 2023)

The purpose of this study was to study intellectual capital and competitive advantage variables and study to examine the effects of intellectual capital on competitive advantage. Questionnaire were used for collecting data and distributed to 400 hotels. Sampling by multi stage sampling, The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that intellectual capital on human capital, structured capital and social capital has positive effects on overall competitive advantage. It was also found that intellectual capital able to explain the competitive advantage variable 89.50%, statistically significant 0.05. Therefore, boutique hotel to create a competitive advantage, it is necessary to focus on intellectual capital. More Info

Brand Image

Brand Image Affecting Brand Awareness of Online Consumer in Thailand

The 13th Rajamangala University of Technology National Conference (13th RMUTNC)

The 12th Rajamangala University of Technology International Conference (12th RMUTIC) and The 5th RMUT Innovation Awards 2023 (August 30 - September 1, 2023)

The purposes of this study were to study and examine the effects of brand image on brand awareness. Online questionnaire was used for collecting data from online consumers in Thailand to 400 sample. Sampling by simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that consumers had a high level of opinions on brand image and brand awareness, and brand image has positive effects on overall brand awareness. It was also found that brand image able to explain the brand awareness variable 63.10%, statistically significant 0.05.

Small and Medium Enterprises

The Innovation Model for Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand

1st International Conference on Technology Innovation Educational and Multidisciplinary Skills in the 21st Century Research (March 27-28, 2021)

This research aimed to 1) to study the elements of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand2) to develop the model of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand. There are 3 steps of research: 1) study documents and related research. 2) Develop a model for the innovation of small and medium enterprises in Thailand with questionnaire from manager of small and medium enterprises 400 persons 3) analyzed the elements of the development pattern of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand by analyzing the elements; The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, range, quartile, mean, standard deviation and elemental analysis. Research findings showed that 1) The study of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand found that it consisted of 3 important components: product innovation, process innovation, market innovation of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand. 2) Development of the innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand found that there are 5 main components: dynamic capabilities, market orientation, intellectual capabilities, innovation, competitive advantage. The innovation model for small and medium enterprises in Thailand overall and the aspects are good. More Info

Digital Transformation of Hotel

The Development Model for Digital Transformation of Hotel in Thailand

1st International Conference on Technology Innovation Educational and Multidisciplinary Skills in the 21st Century Research (March 27-28, 2021)

This research aimed to 1) study the elements of the development model for digital transformation of hotel in Thailand and, 2) to develop the model of the digital transformation of hotel in Thailand. There are 3 steps of research: 1) study documents and related research 2) develop a model for digital transformation of hotel in Thailand 3) analyzed the elements of the development pattern of the digital transformation of hotel in Thailand by analyzing the elements; The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, range, quartile, mean, standard deviation and elemental analysis. Research findings showed that 1) The study of the digital transformation of hotel in Thailand found that it consisted 3 important components: business model, operational process and customer experience. 2) Development of the digital transformation of hotel in Thailand found that there are 5 main components: organization, information technology, innovation, digital transformation and business performance, and the level of the digital transformation of hotel in Thailand overall are good. More Info

Antecedents and Consequences

Antecedents and Consequences of Competitive Advantage of Small Hotel in Thailand

RMUTI Journal Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): January - June 2019

This article aims to 1) investigate antecedent and influence the factors of competitive advantage and 2) study to factors of variables related to competitive advantage. Documentary research from 325 which articles can be used only 64 articles is applied with sources of articles from various databases. Data were analyzed by Content Analysis. The conclusion from review data show that variables used in various studies regarding competitive advantage are intellectual capital, innovation, market orientation and performance. More Info

Initial Public Offering Stocks

Concept of Explaining the Return of Initial Public Offering Stocks

National Academic Conference "Northern Research" 5th (May 31, 2019)

The article aim to study concept theories explaining the return of initial public offering in Stock exchange of Thailand Study from 28 article result that 4 dimension were concept and theories explaining return, effect factor to return and concept of price.

Risk In Securities

The Concept of Return and Rate of Risk In Securities of Thailand

The 5th National Conferences on Management, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (August 18, 2019)

This article was to study the concept of rate of return and risk in Securities of Thailand. The aims to study the concept of rate of return and risk of Securities, and to study the relationship between rate of return and risk. Methodology by documentary research. Findings showed the theories used most in to study was Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The relationship between rate of return and risk finding was positively correlated, if the Securities have an expected return, the risk is high. More Info

The Relationship of Organization

The Relationship of Organization Commitment, Joy at Work, Turnover Intention, Quality of Working Life and Performance

12th Business Management Research Conference, Chiengmai University (22 November 2019)

A study of the relationship between organization commitment, joy at work, turnover intention, quality of working life and performance. Work by studying articles from both local and international journals to examine the relationship between organization commitment, joy at work, turnover intention, quality of working life and performance, especially in the environment in Thailand. More Info

Influencing Components

Model of Components Influencing Competitive Advantage of Small Hotel Group in Thailand

4th International Conference on Management, Business and Economics Ontario, Canada (3-5 May 2018)

This article aims for presents the literature review of competitive advantage study to explain meanings, variables and relationship related to competitive advantage. Methodology by documentary research from 325 articles can be used for 136 articles, with the source of the articles from various databases and analyzed data by Content Analysis (Frequency). The conclusion from review show that variables use in various studies is competitive advantage, intellectual capital, innovation, learning organization and performance.

Competitive Advantage

The Model of Competitive Advantage for Small Hotel in Thailand

Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies Vol.8 No.2 (2019): July-December 2019

The objectives of this study were to develop model of competitive advantage of small hotel in Thailand. Research methodology in clades with population sample size and sampling determination which are small hotel 9,489, a sample size was subject 400. This research study used purposive sampling for collecting data from March to May 2019. The response rate was 100% of 400 online questionnaires. For the data analysis, it appeared that the study used structural equation modeling in with the analysis. Findings from the research showed that model of competitive advantage of small hotel in Thailand simulations are consistent with empirical data based on a harmonized index of 6 indexes of accepted criteria. The index is:
χ2 /df = 1.235, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.024 และ SRMR = 0.021. More Info

The Model of Competitive Advantage of Small Hotel in Thailand

Journal of Modern Management of Science in Vol.13 No.1 Jan-Jun 202, Facility of Management of Science, Lampang Rajabhat University (December 2, 2019)

The objectives of this study were to develop model of competitive advantage of small hotel in
Thailand. Research methodology includes with population sample size and sampling determination which are small hotel 9,489, a sample size was subject 400. This research study used purposive sampling for collecting data from March to May 2019. The response rate was 100% of 400 online questionnaires. For the data analysis, it apprared that the study used structural equation modeling in with the analysis. Findings from the research showed that model of competitive advantage of small hotel in Thailand or CASH model simulations are consistent with empirical data based on a harmonized index of 6 indexes of accepted criteria. The index is: χ2/df =1.429, CFI= 1.00, GFI=0.98, AGFI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.033 and SRMR=0.014. More Info

A Statistical Analysis of Components Influencing Competitive Advantage of Small Hotel Group

International Journal of Management, Business, and Economics (April - July 2018)

This article aims for presents the literature review of competitive advantage study to explain meanings, variables and relationship related to competitive advantage, Methodology by documentary research from 325 articles can be used for 136 articles, with the source of the articles from various databases and analyzed data by Content Analysis (Frequency). The conclusion from review show that variables use in various studies is competitive advantage intellectual capital, innovation, learning organization and performance.

Model of Competitive Advantage for Small Hotel Group in Thailand

The 9th ASEAN+ C+I Symposium on Business Management Research (July 22, 2017)

This article aims for presents the literature review of competitive advantage study to explain meanings, variables and relationship related to competitive advantage. Methodology by documentary research from 314 articles can be use for 130 articles, with the source of the articles frนm various databases and analyzed data by Content Analysis (Frequency). The conclusion from review show that variables use in various studies is competitive advantage, intellectual capital, innovation, marketing orientation and performance.

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